How to Protect Glass with Cardboard Packaging

2 bottles of wine in a cold pack shipper laying on a countertop

Many delicious drinks come packaged in glass containers. Wines, sodas, dairy products, and other beverages are just a few liquids housed inside glass bottles.

Handling glass requires caution, and this is especially true if you are transporting glass containers. Protecting glass bottled beverages is Custom Wine Packaging’s specialty! Before we get into why we should be your go-to option, let us share some helpful tips on how to best protect your glass items.

Using the Best Option – Cardboard Packaging

There are many ways to transport glass bottles. Some of the options to consider are bubble wrap, Styrofoam, paper, and cardboard packaging. There are different benefits depending on the type of packaging material you ultimately decide to use, but we strongly recommend protecting glass items with cardboard packaging.

For instance, bubble wrap may seem like a great option to protect wine bottles, but bubble wrap is not environmentally friendly. Paper is better for the environment but does not handle pressure very well. This is not the case when using cardboard packaging to protect wine bottles or other glass items.

Do Not Go Beyond the Limit

Please follow all packaging guidelines. One of the things you shouldn’t do is ship more glass items than the package is designed to hold.

Only Carry Items the Package Is Designed To Hold

Every custom cardboard packaging option from Custom Wine Packaging is designed to house a certain size and shape of glass bottle. Some options are designed to transport a particular kind of wine. You should not use a cardboard package to ship something the packaging is not structurally designed to support.

Handle with Care

Cardboard packages from Custom Wine Packaging are some of the very best custom cardboard shipping options out there. However, it’s important to still handle them with care. One of cardboard’s biggest weaknesses is moisture. Please ensure packaging is not exposed to water as it dramatically affects its strength. There is also a proper direction to our packaging for carrying, make sure products are handled in the appropriate orientation.

Custom Wine Packaging – The Best Cardboard Wine Packaging Can Offer

Cardboard should be your go-to option for packaging any wine or other glass item. It’s important you also utilize the best cardboard product!

Products for Various Kinds of Glass Items

We have standard and custom products for any kind of glass item you need to properly package. We don’t just do wine packaging! Please reach out to us with any custom cardboard packaging needs.

Custom Designs to Suit Your Needs

We offer many different stock shapes and sizes of cardboard packaging, but we can also design any type of packaging your company may need. Check out this engine replication cardboard box we made just to test how far we could go!

Premium Quality Products

We are your go-to option when it comes to protecting your investment. Our cardboard packaging is recycled, durable, and can be sized to transport any size or shape of bottle.